MCCMH offers an array of services and supports to meet the needs of children with emotional disturbance and their families.  Our services to children are offered using a family centered approach.  We work with children and families to strengthen relationships and improve functioning at home, school, and in the community.  We work to nurture resiliency in children and families — the ability to “bounce back” from setbacks and to build on successes, despite the challenges that may be faced in life.

If you feel that any of the services listed and described in the pull down menu may be helpful to your child or family, please call 855-99-MCCMH to learn more about starting services.

Family Interventions

MCCMH offers many services to support families of children with special needs.  These services include:

Family Counseling: Family Counseling might include clinic-based or home based therapies and interventions designed to improve daily life functioning and family relationships.

Family Skills Training: Family Skills Training is education and training for families who live with and or care for a family member with serious emotional disturbance or developmental disability. 

Respite Care Services provide short-term relief to the unpaid primary caregivers of children with serious emotional disturbance or developmental disability. Respite provides temporary alternative care, either in the family home, or in another community setting chosen by the family.

Home-Based Interventions

Home-Based Services for Children and Families are provided in the family home or in another community setting. Services are designed individually for each family, and can include things like mental health therapy, crisis intervention, specialized therapies or interventions, service coordination, or other supports to the family.  To learn more, call the Access Center at 855-99-MCCMH.

Infant Mental Health

An Infant Mental Health Specialist is a therapist who is specially trained in relationships, attachment, infant development, and family interactions. The services are conducted in the home on a weekly basis.  We facilitate changing thoughts, feelings & behaviors in order to heal the past,  accept responsibility for the present, and provide hope for the future, all  through the wonder of a baby’s presence in the family. The IMH Program serves at-risk families with infants and toddlers from pregnancy through age 3, providing:  Advocacy, Emotional support,  Case Management, Developmental assessments & guidance, Family-centered services, Parent-infant psychotherapy, and Psychiatric services.

Outpatient Counseling

Outpatient Therapy and Counseling for Children and Families includes therapy or counseling designed to help improve daily life functioning and relationships. Outpatient Counseling is typically provided in a clinic setting, on a regularly scheduled basis, and may be provided one-to-one or in groups.

Children’s Department


21885 Dunham Road, Suite 1
Clinton Township, MI 48036

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